Supporting documents

If you are a new student, you must send hard copies of supporting documents with your paper application form.

Please provide a hard copy of the following documents to GSC. Do not send originals, send a legally certified photocopy.  Find out how to certify your documents below.


1. Proof of Identity

Passport or Birth Certificate
If the name on your application does not match the name on your birth certificate or passport you must also provide your marriage certificate or deed poll.
Passport sized photograph
Can be posted/emailed to the Registrar, or taken at the College.


Your passport-sized photograph:

  • Does not need to be witnessed
  • Two hard copies or saved in JPEG file format
  • A recent, full-colour photo
  • A full-front view of your face, head and shoulders. Your eyes must be open
  • No sunglasses may be worn. Tinted prescription glasses may be worn, provided your eyes are still visible
  • Without hats, head coverings or head bands (except for religious purposes)


2. Eligibility to study as a domestic student

(Provide ONE of the following).
New Zealand Passport or Birth Certificate
Australian Passport
Proof of NZ or Australian Permanent Residency
Certificate of Citizenship or letter of confirmation
Statement of Whakapapa, including date of birth countersigned by kaumatua.


3. Eligibility to study as an international student

The College only accepts students sponsored by a Diocese or religious institution.
Student or Work Visa
Insurance documentationMedical and travel insurance.
IELTSAs proof of language proficiency.


If English, Māori or New Zealand Sign Language is not your first language you will need to supply test results from IELTS (academic).  Minimum requirement of 6.5 in IELTS with at least 6.0 in each band.


4. Official tertiary results

BACHELOR OF THEOLOGY: Proof of University Entrance, or Official Record of your Qualification, or special admission from the Dean (e.g. mature student 21+).
GRADUATE DIPLOMA: Academic transcript as proof of degree-level qualification.


Students who have studied at other tertiary institutions. It is your responsibility to provide your official transcript as the College cannot request records from other institutions on behalf of students.

It is also a good idea to provide an Academic Transcript when you apply if seeking credit for previous study.


Certifying your documents

We cannot process your application if the required documents have not been certified i.e. proof that a photocopy is a true copy of the original document.  (The only exception is your passport-sized photograph that does not need to be certified).

You can either:

1.  Take the original document and a photocopy of it to a Justice of the Peace, Notary Public, Member of Parliament, a barrister or solicitor, Registrar or Deputy Registrar of the courts, or

2. Bring the original documents to the College and show it to either the Registrar, Dean of Studies or administration staff.    A photocopy will be made and signed by the staff member as being a true and accurate copy. 

Ensure the person certifying your documents states their title, stamps and signs the photocopied document as being a true and accurate copy of the original.


If you have any questions email the Registrar at Maree Crighton or call 09 361 1053 (extension 701).