Application Forms: BTh or GradDipTh

[Students applying for Diploma or Certificate follow this link.]
Before completing application forms for BTh or GradDipTh, if you are a new students, make sure you’ve talked to the Assistant to Dean first
There are 5 forms to complete when you first enrol but the good news is that you only have to do this once (in subsequent semesters there is a simple online enrolment that returning students complete).
Application forms.
Links to the new forms for enrolment into the Bachelor of Theology or Graduate Diploma in Theology 2021 are shown below. New forms are in our new name: Te Kupenga – Catholic Theological College. Here are Some notes on how to complete application forms for CTC , as listed below.
- CTC Admission Form 2021
- SCD Application for Admission Form – sent to Australia
- Student Contract 2021(arrange a witness to sign it)
- Courses 2021 – courses available
- Student Support Questionnaire
All sections of the five forms enclosed must be completed and signed by you. If you are unsure how to answer a question please don’t leave it blank, instead contact Michael O’Connor Assistant Dean by emailing him on
How long does it take to process my application?
The College will let you know if your application has been successful two weeks after enrolments close.
Processing your enrolment will take longer if we do not have complete information on your forms and/or do not have all the documentation we need.
Supporting Documentation
It’s important that you send supporting documents with your application forms to prove you meet admission requirements.
The College only accepts documents that have been certified as true copies of the original.
If you have any questions about these matters email the Assistant to the Dean or call 09 361 1053 (extension 701).