Student services

What to see on course pagesThis section will give you an idea of what to expect when studying at Good Shepherd College.
The College runs a blended learning environment where all students use Moodle (the College online learning website) to access resources relevant to the courses they’re taking.
Students have access to the website from the first day of each semester and therefore do not need to buy textbooks (unless specified otherwise by your lecturer at the time you enrol). Course information does not need to be posted to students as everything you require is waiting for you in your Moodle Course page.
On-campus students will find that the classes are social and interactive. The average class size is 10 students, with larger classes in the early 20’s.
Distance students will find a whole team behind them to help them succeed – your lecturer, your classmates, and a team of dedicated support staff who believe that distance learning can be engaging, productive and satisfying.
To find out more read the College Handbooks or click the links below to answer your questions.
What are the academic expectations such as workload and attendance?
How do I get online and find my way to course pages?
What can I expect to see online in course pages?
What online activities am I expected to do?
What are the assessment tasks and how are courses graded?
What computer set up is required on my PC or Mac? What software is required?
How to check your attendance badges in Moodle?
How do I plan my programme of study and payment of course fees?